We have organised ANHIR Workshop as a part of the ISBI 2019 conference on 11th of April in Venice, Italy. The presentation with some short overview and announcing winners could be found here.

The workshop program

ANHIR Workshop programme, April 11, 2019, Venetian Ballroom B
Time Authors Title
14:45 15:00 organizers Introduction, challenge description and some statistics
15:00 15:20 Nazanin Tahmasebi, Michelle Noga, and Kumaradevan Punithakumar, Cascaded Rigid Multi-Resolution and Moving Mesh Image Registration Frameworks for Histological Image Registration
15:20 15:40 Masi Valkonen, Kimmo Kartasalo, Leena Latonen, Pekka Ruusuvuori Stain invariant elastic registration of histological sections
15:40 16:00 Yu Xiang Stain deconvolution based pathological image registration
16:00 16:30 --- coffee break
16:30 16:50 Johannes Lotz, Nick Weiss and Stefan Heldmann Robust, fast and accurate: A 3-step method for automatic histological image registration
16:50 17:10 Marek Wodzinski and Andrzej Skalski Automatic nonrigid histological image registration with an adaptive multistep algorithm
17:10 17:30 Ludovic Venet, Sarthak Pati, Paul Yushkevich, Spyridon Bakas Accurate and robust alignment of variable-stained histological images using a general-purpose greedy diffeomorphic registration tool
17:30 17:40 organizers prize giving ceremony, closing remarks
17:40 18:00 organizers article planning (by invitation, for active participants)

Final leaderboard/results

As the Evaluation says, the winning criterion is slightly different from the automatic leaderboard on Results. The final metric is the average rank median rTRE on the test dataset (“evaluation”). We present the final ranking of participants taking part in this challenge.

The complete statistic of participants could be found below:

  Avg-Median-rTRE Avg-Norm-Time Avg-Rank-Median-rTRE Avg-Robustness Median-Median-rTRE
test training test training test training test training test training
nick.weiss 0.00287 0.00492 0.16661 0.12224 2.91633 3.30435 1 0.99565 0.0018 0.00186
HistoReg 0.00286 0.00272 1.59568 1.29352 3.34263 3.42609 1 1 0.0019 0.00195
lMW 0.00359 0.00404 6.54809 7.20808 3.43825 3.9087 0.99602 1 0.00191 0.00202
delamoer 0.0027 0.0067 7.79555 6.3977 4.18327 7.90435 1 0.98696 0.00226 0.00505
zsyzzsoft 0.00775 0.00011 0.00088 0.00051 4.41434 1.09565 0.99602 1 0.00206 0.00011
masi 0.00479 0.01303 9.72578 9.51425 5.31474 6.83043 0.99602 0.86916 0.00208 0.00311
zhaoshuaibit 0.00416 0.00273 7.17615 4.92249 6.34263 4.83913 0.99602 1 0.00265 0.00245
bUnwarpJ 0.09713 0.03409 7.22483 5.91475 8.16733 7.96087 0.92032 0.93913 0.0054 0.00587
Mohammed 0.0252 0.0167 2.72945 2.33206 9.21514 8.72609 0.95102 0.96847 0.00799 0.00821
punithakumar 0.05065 0.05949 1.70407 1.2165 9.70518 9.66087 0.84861 0.84783 0.00825 0.00999
pszma2 0.02523 0.01584 2.72945 2.29903 10.37849 10.03043 0.95102 0.9607 0.00791 0.00821
rNiftyReg 0.11358 0.04911 0.09219 0.0954 10.58167 10.31304 0.82996 0.82969 0.03626 0.03119

Photos from the workshop: